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Redis Labs Recognized in the Latest Independent Database-as-a-Service Report

Independent report notes that enterprise customers like Redis Cloud’s ease-of-use, scale, and high availability functionality

Mountain View, April 25, 2017—Redis, the home of Redis and provider of Redis Enterprise, today announced it was named among the top four providers of Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) for its score in the current offering category in “The Forrester Wave™: Database-As-A-Service, Q2 2017” report by Forrester Research.

The report notes that “DBaaS has become critical for all enterprises,” and Redis “offers a viable, highly available solution with low price for the performance.” According to the report, “enterprise customers like Redis Cloud’s ease of use, scale, and high-availability functionality.” Earlier, it cites that, “enterprises use Redis to support real-time analytics, high-volume transactions, social applications, operational reporting and mobile applications.”

Redis, a pioneer in the DBaaS space, offers Redis Enterprise Cloud as a fully managed service on all major cloud platforms including AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and IBM Softlayer, with the option to deploy in private environments of public clouds or integrate with hybrid environments.

Redis believes that its over 230k databases under management testifies to its versatility and the flexibility of Redis Enterprise, which has enabled Redis to deploy a growing set of use cases.

“Our strong position in this report validates the momentum that Redis Enterprise Cloud is experiencing with 7,000 enterprise customers and over 65,000 accounts,” says Manish Gupta, CMO of Redis. “Enterprises of all sizes benefit from the high performance, versatility, effortless scaling, and true high availability of Redis Enterprise Cloud. The low-touch, minimal operational overhead and broad availability in every cloud environment, makes Redis Enterprise Cloud a powerful and cost-effective choice.”

The 13 vendors included in this report were evaluated across thirty criteria. In order to be included in the evaluation, the vendors needed to possess the following: on-demand scale, on-demand provisioning, a comprehensive DBaaS offering, automatic administration and monitoring, chargeback, a standalone DBaaS offering, a referenceable install base, customer interest and client inquiries and/or technologies that put the vendor on Forrester’s radar.

“The Forrester Wave™: Database-as-a-Service, Q2 2017,” is available here.

About Redis

Data is the lifeline of every business, and Redis helps organizations reimagine how fast they can process, analyze, make predictions, and take action on the data they generate. Redis provides a competitive edge to any business by delivering open source and enterprise-grade data platforms to power applications that drive real-time experiences at any scale. Developers rely on Redis to build performance, scalability, reliability, and security into their applications.

Born in the cloud-native era, Redis uniquely enables users to unify data across multi-cloud, hybrid and global applications to maximize business potential. Learn how Redis can give you this edge at