
How to Implement Fixed Window Rate Limiting using Redis

Brian Sam-Bodden
Brian Sam-Bodden, Developer Advocate at Redis

The simplest approach to build a rate limiter is the "fixed window" implementation in which we cap the maximum number of requests in a fixed window of time. For exmaple, if the window size is 1 hour, we can "fix" it at the top of the hour, like 12:00-12:59, 1:00-1:59, and so forth.

The procedure to implement a fixed window rate limiter is fairly simple, for each request we:

  1. 1.Identify the requester: This might be an API key, a token, a user's name or id, or even an IP address.
  2. 2.Find the current window: Use the current time to find the window. Assume that we are working with 1 hour windows and it's 3:15 PM, we could use a 24 hour clock and label this window "15".
  3. 3.Find the request count: Find the fixed window request count for the requester. For example, say we've identified the requester to be user with id "u123", and it's 3:15 PM. We will look for a count under the key "u123:15" where the value store under that key is the count of requests for user u123 from 3:00 PM to 3:59:59 PM.
  4. 4.Increment the request count: Increment the request count for the window+user key.
  5. 5.Rate Limit if applicable: If the count exceeds the user's quota, then deny the request, otherwise, allow the requests to proceed.

The fixed window recipe ignores the cost of the request (all requests are created equal) and in this particular implementation it uses a single quota for all all users. This simple implementation minimizes the CPU and I/O utilization but that comes with some limitations. It is possible to experience spikes near the edges of the window, since APIs users might program their requests in a "use or lose it" approach.

One way to minimize the spikiness in this scheme is to have multiple time windows of different granularity. For example, you can rate limit at the hour and minute levels, say, allowing a maximum of 2,000 request per hour, and a maximum of 33 requests per minute.

This basic recipe using Redis Strings, a minute-size window and a quota of 20 requests is outlined on the Redis Blog. I'll summarize it here before we jump into out Spring Reactive implementation:

  1. 1.GET [user-api-key]:[current minute number] such as GET "u123:45"
  2. 2.If the result from line 1 is less than 20 (or the key is not found) go to step 4 otherwise continue to step 3
  3. 3.Reject the request.
  4. 4.In an atomic way (using MULTI and EXEC) increment the key and set the expiry to 59 seconds into the future.
INCR [user-api-key]:[current minute number]
EXPIRE [user-api-key]:[current minute number] 59

5. Otherwise, fulfill the request.

Ok, now that we know the basic recipe, let's implement it in Spring