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Meet the Winners of the Rediscover Redis Competition

In honor of the Rediscover theme of RedisConf 2020 Takeaway, the Rediscover Redis Competition collected stories from the Redis community to highlight examples of Redis’ versatility and demonstrate how Redis powers some of the world’s most innovative applications. For every valid entry received, we donated $100 to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, which supports the World Health Organization’s work to ensure patients get proper care, frontline workers get essential supplies, and development of a vaccine and treatments can be accelerated.

Redis CMO Howard Ting highlighted the three winners in the afternoon keynote at RedisConf 2020 Takeaway, and each won a Valve Index VR Kit (a $999 value). In no particular order, the three winners were Matthew Goos for MDmetrix’s COVID-19 Mission Control; Randall Shane for; and Luiz Santos for ProvTransaction. Read on for more information about their projects:

Matthew Goos, MDmetrix’s COVID-19 Mission Control

Matthew Goos is a longtime technologist with more than 25 years of experience, and is the Co-Founder and CTO of MDmetrix, an interactive data analytics platform that helps clinicians and institutions understand patterns in their data. 

While MDmetrix uses Redis exclusively for all data storage, RedisGraph is particularly critical, as it stores all the analytical data. MDmetrix built Mission Control to combat the spread of COVID-19 by providing analytics to institutions and physicians around the country to improve patient care and optimize utilization of resources.

Randall Shane,

Randall Shane is an adjunct professor and machine learning and AI developer at Boise State University. He built a platform designed to help patients find trusted doctors that match their preferences by using a natural language processing candidate referral digestion and interpretation system. uses Redis for the entire application, including data storage as well as computational bolstering for the natural language processing. 

Luiz Santos, ProvTransaction

Luiz is a senior electrical engineer and software developer working in information security. His project, ProvTransaction, is an approval platform for online banking systems, which allows free generation and safe storage of password token seeds—saving banks millions of dollars a year.

Redis is the backbone behind the project’s component token database, storing OATH validation components embedding the random token seeds. It acts as a critical cryptographic authentication server and replaces a centralized monolithic one.

If you didn’t get a chance to enter the Rediscover Redis competition, there’s still time to enter the Redis ‘Beyond Cache’ Hackathon, where we’re asking developers to demonstrate how to use Redis beyond caching by creating apps with Redis data structures, event-driven architecture, and/or Redis modules. Submit your project by May 27 for a chance to win up to $5,000. Learn more about what the judges are looking for, the hackathon schedule, and submission guidelines in this blog post, and enter the hackathon now!

And if you missed RedisConf 2020 Takeaway, not to worry—all 50+ sessions continue to be available for on-demanding viewing on the conference site, and read more about the virtual conference experience on our blog.